TAZO Decaf Chai, Spiced Black Tea, Decaffeinated, 20-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6) Buy new: $24.43
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Tazo's Decaffeinated Chai Black Tea is an enjoyable chai experience for the most part. On the paper tea packet, Tazo writes, "a rich blend of full-flavored naturally decaffeinated teas and exotic aromatic spices." On their web site, Tazo describes the flavor profile of Decaffeinated Chai as "creamy, vanilla, sweet and pungent spices". Tazo describes the aroma as "sweet spice". Those are pretty accurate. The black tea "blend" is a little bitter, though, even with minimal brewing. It's a real trick to get it to brew long enough to get to experience the flavor from the spices without having the tea turn bitter.
Buy new: $24.43 TAZO Decaf Chai, Spiced Black Tea, Decaffeinated, 20-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6)bfd53 | shopping booksmark | welcome robot | music online | bioly1