Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tazo Passion Tea, 24 Tea Bags

Tazo Passion Tea, 24 Tea Bags

Tazo Passion Tea, 24 Tea Bags
Buy new: $4.64
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Blended with an artistry that borders on magical, Passion is an Herbal Infusion, made of hibiscus flowers, orange peel, rosehips, cinnamon, lemongrass, natural tropical flavors, citric acid, licorice and red poppy.Even though this type of beverage is often described as an herbal tea, there is actually no tea in it at all. Instead it's a blend of flowers, berries and fruit peels that has been used for centuries to enhance health and well being. As a result, it contains no caffeine.

Buy new: $4.64 Tazo Passion Tea, 24 Tea Bags

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