Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tazo Zen Tea

Tazo Zen Tea

Tazo Zen Tea
Buy new: $7.99
Usually ships in 24 hours

ZenTM, a blend of exotic green teas and rare herbs. Includes: green tea, lemon verbena, spearmint and natural flavors. ZenTM, like all Tazo green teas, is prepared in a way that maintains the natural health benefits, color and taste. The tea is steamed to neutralize the oxidating enzyme, then dried using a panfired technique to bring out the maximum flavor. Like black teas, ZenTM and other Tazo green teas are made from the same botanical species, Cameila Sinensis and can contain as much caffeine as black teas.

Buy new: $7.99 Tazo Zen Tea

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